World Perspectives
feed-grains soy-oilseeds

Black Sea Regional Analysis

Russian Grain Markets: 1-5 August 2022 Russia’s harvest campaign continues. As of the first week of August, reports show 56.5 MMT of grains harvested which is 8 MMT behind last year. Grains and legumes are harvested from 13.3 Mha which is 7 Mha behind last year at this time. Yields are much better this year showing 4.26 MT/ha versus 3.18 MT/ha. Specifically, wheat harvest progress shows 48.9 MMT which is in line with last year, however, wheat was harvested from 11 million ha versus 14.3 Mha a year ago. Barley harvest progress is 5.8 MMT versus 10.9 MMT, however, barley was harvested from 1.4 Mha versus 3.9 Mha. Barley yield is 4 MT versus 2.83 MT/ha a year ago. Russian Minister of Agriculture, Dmitriy Patrushev, is concerned that R...

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feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

Market Commentary: Big Nothingburger

It was a good thing that futures markets closed early today given that there were very few inputs to guide movements. The U.S. government was closed in observance of President Jimmy Carter’s memorial, so reports like weekly Export Sales are delayed until tomorrow. Wall Street and the...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

Summary of Futures

Mar 25 Corn closed at $4.56/bushel, up $0.02 from yesterday's close. Mar 25 Wheat closed at $5.34/bushel, down $0.0225 from yesterday's close. Mar 25 Soybeans closed at $9.99/bushel, up $0.045 from yesterday's close. Mar 25 Soymeal closed at $299.3/short ton, down $1.5 from yeste...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

Market Commentary: Comfortable, With Jitters

There was generally low volume in grains today as traders await USDA’s important reports on Friday. There is no reason to spend more money on fees or commissions after spending several days aligning with the perceived outcomes. At the same time, market noise does not completely stop and there i...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

Market Commentary: Big Nothingburger

It was a good thing that futures markets closed early today given that there were very few inputs to guide movements. The U.S. government was closed in observance of President Jimmy Carter’s memorial, so reports like weekly Export Sales are delayed until tomorrow. Wall Street and the...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

Summary of Futures

Mar 25 Corn closed at $4.56/bushel, up $0.02 from yesterday's close. Mar 25 Wheat closed at $5.34/bushel, down $0.0225 from yesterday's close. Mar 25 Soybeans closed at $9.99/bushel, up $0.045 from yesterday's close. Mar 25 Soymeal closed at $299.3/short ton, down $1.5 from yeste...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

Market Commentary: Comfortable, With Jitters

There was generally low volume in grains today as traders await USDA’s important reports on Friday. There is no reason to spend more money on fees or commissions after spending several days aligning with the perceived outcomes. At the same time, market noise does not completely stop and there i...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

Summary of Futures

Mar 25 Corn closed at $4.54/bushel, down $0.04 from yesterday's close. Mar 25 Wheat closed at $5.3625/bushel, down $0.0625 from yesterday's close. Mar 25 Soybeans closed at $9.945/bushel, down $0.0275 from yesterday's close. Mar 25 Soymeal closed at $300.8/short ton, down $2.7 fr...

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