World Perspectives
feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

Market Commentary: Grains Drift Sideways as Harvest Looms; Livestock Rally on Strong Cash Trade

The CBOT was mostly sideways on Tuesday with funds still paring back a few shorts in the corn and soy complex while resuming some light selling in wheat futures. There was little fresh news for the day, which contributed significantly to the lack of price action. Russian FOB offers continue to decline despite challenging weather for the country’s spring wheat crop, and that weighed on wheat futures again today. For corn and soybeans, Monday’s Corp Progress/Conditions data was benign and showed the crops barreling towards a timely harvest with little fears of disruption. Overall, the week seems primed for steady/sideways trade with little on the horizon to induce polarity. Note, however, that macroeconomic factors could become mo...

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feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

Export Sales

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feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

Summary of Futures

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Oilseed Highlights: Bouncing Off Seasonal Lows

The Market U.S. soybeans have a nearly $1/bushel advantage as Brazilian basis moves higher. The result is that last week’s export sales were substantial. Rumors are rampant of more Chinese purchasing of U.S. soybeans. Argentina reportedly bought U.S. soybeans but those may washout on fina...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

Export Sales

Export Sales and Shipments for September 6-12, 2024 Wheat:  Net sales of 246,300 metric tons (MT) for 2024/2025 were down 48 percent from the previous week and 46 percent from the prior 4-week average. Export shipments of 642,100 MT--a marketing-year high--were up 18 percent from the previ...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

Summary of Futures

Dec 24 Corn closed at $4.0575/bushel, down $0.07 from yesterday's close.  Dec 24 Wheat closed at $5.655/bushel, down $0.1025 from yesterday's close.  Nov 24 Soybeans closed at $10.1325/bushel, down $0.0075 from yesterday's close.  Dec 24 Soymeal closed at $321.6/short ton, up $0...


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From WPI Consulting

Infrastructure investment due diligence

On behalf of a Canadian oilseed processer WPI's team provided market analysis, econometric modeling and financial due diligence in support of a $24 million-dollar investment in a Ukrainian crush plant. Consistent with WPI's findings, local production to supply the plant and the facility's output have expanded exponentially since the investment. WPI has conducted parallel work on behalf of U.S., South American and European clients, both private and public, in the agri-food space.

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