World Perspectives

Dairy Trade Expands Despite Hurdles

Concerns about faltering U.S. dairy exports last year have now subsided as growth has returned to the sector. This despite: production growth leveling off as increases in milk per cow do not offset the fall in the number of dairy farms; an 18 percent rise in dairy futures over the past year; and the USDA/Economic Research Service (ERS) trade-weighted exchange rate for dairy products running higher at 113-114 for the past three years.  ERS shows milk and dairy product prices rising in 2024, with just dry whey and butter prices softening in 2025. Cumulatively, U.S. dairy exports have not only kept pace with competitors but have had a slightly higher CAGR over the past decade, resulting in the share of global trade ris...

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WASDE Soybeans

WASDE SOYBEANS: USDA increased their estimate for global soybean ending stocks by 0.3 million tons to 134.6 million as higher stocks for Argentina and Canada are partly offset by lower stocks for the United States and the EU.   U.S. soybean ending stocks are projected at 550 million b...



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From WPI Consulting

Communicating importance of value-added products

Facing increasing pressure to quantify the value of export promotion efforts to investors, a U.S. industry organization retained WPI to develop a quantitative model that better communicated the importance of exports. The resulting model concluded that value-added meat exports contributed $0.45 cents per bushel to the price of corn, increasing support for that sector’s financial support of WPI’s client. In addition to serving the red meat industry with this type of analysis, WPI has generated similar deliverables for the U.S. soybean and poultry/egg industries.

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