World Perspectives

Farm Bill Force; Black Sea Risks; Food Price Competition

Farm Bill Force A coalition of 300 agricultural groups sent a letter to Congressional leaders urging passage of a new farm bill. Some on Capitol Hill see it as unachievable and sought to add a one-year extension of current law onto a continuing resolution. Instead, there will be one more push during the post-election lame duck session to get something through. The bill has already been delayed for a year and a half.  Separately, populist farm groups are pushing U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai to “repudiate” a 2015 WTO ruling that mandatory U.S. country of origin labeling on beef is illegal. Ms. Tai has not said that she would continue to serve in her position should Kamala Harris win the presidency. As a trade pol...

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From WPI Consulting

Infrastructure investment due diligence

On behalf of a Canadian oilseed processer WPI's team provided market analysis, econometric modeling and financial due diligence in support of a $24 million-dollar investment in a Ukrainian crush plant. Consistent with WPI's findings, local production to supply the plant and the facility's output have expanded exponentially since the investment. WPI has conducted parallel work on behalf of U.S., South American and European clients, both private and public, in the agri-food space.

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