World Perspectives
biofuel feed-grains

India’s Ethanol Conundrum and Impact on Global Markets

India is attempting to pursue its climate goals through the expansion of biofuel blending into transportation fuels, but the dynamics of the country’s agricultural systems and protectionist trade policies may stymie these efforts. The USDA recently issued an outlook that calls for India to switch from a net corn exporter of about 3 MMT annually to a net corn importer for 2024, with imports of 1.1 MMT. The projection caught many by surprise and created questions about the long-term outlook for the country’s biofuel and ethanol markets, as well as import trends for ethanol and corn. WPI’s analysis finds that India’s aggressive biofuel policy coupled with a ban on fuel ethanol imports will necessitate a significant expa...

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Market Commentary: It Was Wheat’s Week

Russia’s Vladimir Putin warned that Ukraine using Western long-range missiles to attack inside his country would bring NATO into the war. That and his threats to use nuclear weapons and the attack this week on a grain carrying ship in the Black Sea pressured the gold market and likely whe...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

Summary of Futures

Dec 24 Corn closed at $4.1325/bushel, up $0.0725 from yesterday's close.  Dec 24 Wheat closed at $5.9475/bushel, up $0.1625 from yesterday's close.  Nov 24 Soybeans closed at $10.0625/bushel, down $0.045 from yesterday's close.  Dec 24 Soymeal closed at $322.9/short ton, down $0...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds

WPI’s Post-WASDE Quarterly Corn, Soy Outlook

Now that the WASDE has come and gone, it’s time for the commodity market analyst community to argue about why USDA’s projections are wrong and what the world will actually look like over the next marketing year. WPI is loath to miss this monthly festival of forecasting, so we offer...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

Market Commentary: It Was Wheat’s Week

Russia’s Vladimir Putin warned that Ukraine using Western long-range missiles to attack inside his country would bring NATO into the war. That and his threats to use nuclear weapons and the attack this week on a grain carrying ship in the Black Sea pressured the gold market and likely whe...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds wheat

Summary of Futures

Dec 24 Corn closed at $4.1325/bushel, up $0.0725 from yesterday's close.  Dec 24 Wheat closed at $5.9475/bushel, up $0.1625 from yesterday's close.  Nov 24 Soybeans closed at $10.0625/bushel, down $0.045 from yesterday's close.  Dec 24 Soymeal closed at $322.9/short ton, down $0...

feed-grains soy-oilseeds

WPI’s Post-WASDE Quarterly Corn, Soy Outlook

Now that the WASDE has come and gone, it’s time for the commodity market analyst community to argue about why USDA’s projections are wrong and what the world will actually look like over the next marketing year. WPI is loath to miss this monthly festival of forecasting, so we offer...



WPI offers the following PDF of key supply and demand tables and charts relating to the USDA’s latest WASDE report. This is not an all-inclusive compilation of relevant market factors, only those which we feel are of top priority. WPI will seek to expand the offerings in this report and w...

From WPI Consulting

Forecasting developments in production agriculture

On behalf of a private U.S. agricultural technology provider, WPI’s team generated an econometric model to forecast the movement of concentrated corn production north and west from the traditional U.S. Corn Belt. WPI’s model has subsequently provided quantitative support to a multi-million-dollar investment into short-season corn variety development. WPI’s methodology included a series of interviews with regional grain elevators and seed consultants. Emphasizing outreach and communication with stakeholders who possess intimate sectoral knowledge – on-the-ground insights – is a regular component of WPI’s methodologies, made possible by WPI’s ever-growing network of industry contacts.

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