World Perspectives

Future of EU Agriculture; Future of U.S. Agriculture

Future of EU Agriculture Mercosur: Newly appointed French Prime Minister Michel Barnier reiterated French opposition to a trade agreement with Mercosur at the upcoming G20 summit in Brazil, saying he is seeking coalition partners for a blocking minority. Meanwhile, Mercosur leaders received no assurance that the EU Deforestation Regulation would be delayed from its 2025 start, but now the Germans have joined those arguing for more time.  ECI’s: Activists are trying to change agriculture via the public driven European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI’s). ECI’s require just one million signatures to force the Commission to respond to a policy proposal and thus far, seven of the 10 successful initiatives have focus...

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From WPI Consulting

Accountability and a comprehensive approach to export programming

WPI’s team helped construct a strategic approach to develop, implement, and track promotional activities in 8 key regions across the globe for an agricultural export association. With continued progress measurement and strategic advisory services from WPI, the association has seen its ROI from investments in promotional programming increase by 44 percent over the past 5 years. Not only does this type of holistic approach to organizational strategy provide measurable results to track and analyze, it fosters top-down and bottom-up organizational accountability.

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