World Perspectives

Bent, Not Broken

The recent BRICS+ meeting in South Africa highlighted some of the animosity toward a world order long dominated by countries comprising just a minority of the world’s population. However, the Western model is difficult to undo for many reasons. From the standpoint of its architects, it provides certainty (rule of law), financial incentive (free markets), and a moral code (democracy/human rights). For its opponents, it is just difficult to break historical inertia. An alternative approach just needs to build critical mass to the point it reaches a tipping point. There is a practical component that is very difficult to break – the dominance of the English language. It is not even the primary language for two-thirds of its speaker...

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From WPI Consulting

Communicating importance of value-added products

Facing increasing pressure to quantify the value of export promotion efforts to investors, a U.S. industry organization retained WPI to develop a quantitative model that better communicated the importance of exports. The resulting model concluded that value-added meat exports contributed $0.45 cents per bushel to the price of corn, increasing support for that sector’s financial support of WPI’s client. In addition to serving the red meat industry with this type of analysis, WPI has generated similar deliverables for the U.S. soybean and poultry/egg industries.

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