World Perspectives

India Concessions; Reciprocal Tariffs; Fighting for Relevance

India Concessions U.S. President Donald Trump and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi meet tomorrow at the White House. Trump says other countries treat the U.S. badly and perhaps none more than India. Its trade policy is dominated by protectionism. It has led the movement by developing countries at the WTO to retain large border measures (Special & Differential Treatment) while demanding greater concessions by rich countries. This dynamic has stalled most progress at the global trade forum forcing like-minded countries into plurilateral agreements. It continues to subsidize agriculture and export its surpluses in contravention of WTO rules. But in contrast with the EU, New Delhi is being conciliatory, signaling it is willing to lower t...

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WASDE Soybeans

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Corn: USDA’s March estimates for the U.S. 2024/25 season are unchanged from last month – and the season-average corn price received by farmers is unchanged at $4.35 per bushel. USDA’s global corn outlook is for higher foreign corn production: Increases in India, Russia, and Uk...



Wheat: USDA reduced U.S. wheat exports for the 2024/25 season by 15 million bushels and increased imports by 10 million bushels.  The result is that U.S. ending stocks are raised 25 million bushels to 819 million, up 18 percent from last year. Thus, the U.S. season-average farm price is re...

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From WPI Consulting

Accountability and a comprehensive approach to export programming

WPI’s team helped construct a strategic approach to develop, implement, and track promotional activities in 8 key regions across the globe for an agricultural export association. With continued progress measurement and strategic advisory services from WPI, the association has seen its ROI from investments in promotional programming increase by 44 percent over the past 5 years. Not only does this type of holistic approach to organizational strategy provide measurable results to track and analyze, it fosters top-down and bottom-up organizational accountability.

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